The Sacred Heart School's Liturgical Calendar for 2023/2024 can be found on our calendar on our website here.
The Sacred Heart School's Liturgical Calendar for 2023/2024 can be found on our calendar on our website here.
Permeation of Faith in the Classroom: Catholic Schools have a specific mandate – that being to help bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to all who enter our doors. This is much more than an additional religion class in addition to a secular curriculum. In fact, Catholic schools are part of the fully funded public education system in Alberta. We teach the same curriculum as all other schools in the province. The difference is we do so through the lens of our Catholic faith, meaning that all lessons, procedures and interactions are permeated with our Catholic values and beliefs. This makes our school culture and climate rather unique and special – we welcome all, Catholic and non-Catholic to come experience the wonderful world of faith-filled public education where the whole child is nurtured in body, mind and spirit.
Daily Prayer: As part of our permeation of faith through all that we do in school, prayer and learning to pray is an important component to our faith formation. Giving thanks to God and asking for intercessions on our behalf through Jesus, Mary and the Saints is how we start each school day. As Catholics we believe that we not only can communicate with God through prayer, but we can ask others, living and deceased, to intercede for us with God on our behalf. Thus traditional prayers such as the Our Father as well as prayers of intercession such as Hail Mary and Prayers to the Saints along with personal prayers are all part of our daily routine.
At Sacred Heart we begin each day with morning announcements, our National Anthem and whole school prayer, including our Sacred Heart School Prayer followed by teacher led personal prayer and reflection time in the classroom
School Chapel: Sacred Heart is blessed to have a beautiful facility for school. This facility includes a number amazing spaces that take advance of natural light to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Our school chapel is one of those sacred spaces in which our school community gathers at very special times to celebrate masses or do Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Sacred Heart School Chapel is one of the few schools with an onsite tabernacle). It is also open to all for daily prayer, meditation and reflection upon request as part of our support system for the spiritual growth of our entire community.
Sacred Heart Parish located at 5113-49 Avenue in Wetaskiwin, is a parish of the Arch Diocese of Edmonton. Sacred Heart serves as the home parish for many of our school staff members and families. The Parish offers a variety of programs to the faithful she serves including: Moms of Faith (for preschool moms), evening Bible study groups, sacrament and faith formation for all ages, Daughters of the Faith (group for young girls in grades 4-6), RCIA (Roman Catholic Initiation for Adults), Effusion, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, The Knights of Columbus, The Catholic Women’s League, and Sacred Heart Fire (the youth team at the church) are just a few of the many programs available. Mass times vary throughout the week with weekend celebrations Saturday at 5:30 p.m. and Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Weekly bulletins, contacts and other information about the variety of services and programs offered by the parish; or to register as a new family to our parish community can be found on the parish’s website: or by phone at 780-352-2365. Email inquiries to
Father Roger Rouleau: Father Roger is our local parish priest serving the parishes of Sacred Heart (Wetaskiwin), and St. Theresa’s (Ma Me O Beach). He is an ordained Catholic Priest of the Archdiocese of Edmonton. Father is available to students, their families and school staff for: mentorship, vocational direction, sacrament preparation, classroom visits, counseling, faith formation, celebrating weekly Mass in the school chapel, providing staff and students with the sacraments of The Eucharist and Reconciliation, as well as presentations to the junior high students. When available, Father Roger participates in the Junior High Faith Retreat, grade 9 Farewell, and Bible and Friendship Celebrations. Father can be reached at the church parish office (780-352-2365) or by email:
Teachers Involved in the Parish Many staff members as well as students of the school are involved in a variety of ministries and examples of servitude within our parish community. We are called to serve others using our God given gifts and talents. Staff members support our parish with in parish sacrament support (Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation) as well as participate in a variety of ministries: homebound Eucharist mission, parish council members, CWL, Knights of Columbus, ministers of the Eucharist, ministers of the Word, music ministry, supporting the youth and working as a liaison between the parish, family and student at times staff have provided extracurricular RCIT (Roman Catholic Initiation for Teens) faith formation by special request or in special circumstance.
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